Literature Auction 99 (Rarities)
Selected numismatic literature with many rarities and bibliophilic treasures of the 17th and 18th century including parts of the library of a book-lover.
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Monographien. Bibliophile Werke. Banduri, A.
Numismata imperatorum Romanorum a Trajano Decio ad Palaeologos Augustos accessit Bibliotheca Nummaria, sive auctorum qui de re Nummaria scripserunt. Paris 1718. 2 Bände. Frontispiz, 28 Bl., CXXVI, 1 Bl., 544 S., 54 Bl.; 8 Bl., 777 S., 19 Bl. Jeweils mit zahlreichen Abb. Ganzleder, bestoßen und beschabt, Kapitale und Gelenke schadhaft.